french jews

After their son fell in battle, these French parents made aliyah

Marlene and Lucien Elmkayes visited Israel in November for their son's wedding, but buried him instead after he fell in battle. Now, they are making aliyah to Jerusalem to honor their son Binyamin.

'Death to Israel': French universities saw uptick in antisemitic violence after Oct.7

The report detailed that pro-Palestinian activism was largely behind the increase in antisemitism, particularly when “support for the Palestinian cause turns into an apology for terrorism.”

French Jews caught between extremes in polarizing snap election

President Emmanuel Macron called the parliamentary election on June 9 after his centrist Together alliance was trounced in European elections.


Marine Le Pen's National Rally is better for French Jews than the left, says Nazi-hunter

“The National Rally supports Jews, supports the state of Israel,” said historian, lawyer and Nazi-hunter Serge Klarsfeld. But do French Jews agree?

French-Jewish actress Anouk Aimée dies at 92, daughter confirms

Aimée had a glamour and elegance that caught on just as post-war audiences around the world were falling in love with French films, making her into an international sensation in the 1960s.

 A visitor walks in Israel's pavilion during the Eurosatory International Defence Exhibition, 2022

French court overturns ban on Israeli companies from Eurosatory arms exhibition

The Representative Council of Jewish Institutions in France (CRIF) and Union of Jewish Students of France (UEJF) welcomed the decision.

French conservative leader embraces Marine Le Pen’s far-right party with history of antisemitism

Even as Marine Le Pen has publicly denounced antisemitism, her supporters still disproportionately harbor antisemitic attitudes.


How D-Day saved Europe, and my family, from the Nazis

For me, D-Day is a day of personal contemplation and of profound thanks to those who sacrificed that I might live.


October 7 survivor stuns Cannes in 'Bring them Home' dress decorated with the hostages's faces

Laura Blajman-Kadar was at the Nova music festival on the day of the massacre and managed to hide with her husband and seven friends as they heard gunshots and killing all around them.

Isaac Herzog poses with French immigrants as they disembark from their aliya flight.

Are French Jews making aliyah because of antisemitism or Zionism?

French Jews are very Zionist and have strong connections to Israel, said Sion, and many have wanted to move to Israel and come to help build up the state for a long time.

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