french jews

Paris assailant calls man in kippah 'dirty Jew,' attacks him as he leaves synagogue

“Everything is being done to find the author of this unspeakable act,” wrote Gerald Darmanin, the French Interior Minister, on X.

Jewish journalist wound up in French debate over antisemitism and Islamophobia

“I believe in the French Republic staying a space of debate, where religion is a private question,” said Ruth Elkrief.


Jewish woman in France alleges wig removed in discriminatory police encounter - report

The incident occurred after a traffic stop where the woman, referred to as Sarah (a pseudonym to protect her identity), was accused of failing to comply with police instructions.

As many antisemitic acts committed in France since October 7, than in last three years total

Antisemitic acts surged in France immediately after the broadcasting of the October 7 Massacre, a 700% increase.

Hate surge on X after new gay and half Jewish French PM assumes office

The appointment of Attal, the son of a Jewish man, as Prime Minister has, according to the UEJF, led to "a wave of hatred" on Twitter.

'You're Jewish, we will rape you': Nursery director targeted in Paris attack

“You’re Jewish, you’re a Zionist. We will rape you, cut you up as they do in Gaza."

French man sentenced to 12 years in prison for antisemitic attack

During the heinous attack, the perpetrators tied up the couple, ransacked their home for cash under the stereotype that "Jews don’t put money in the bank," and subjected the young woman to rape.


Macron says France will be 'ruthless' against antisemitism

"Antisemitism is resurfacing, in words, on the walls," Macron said in a speech. "The Republic does not and will not compromise, and we will be ruthless against those who carry that hatred."


819 antisemitic incidents plague French Jewry since Hamas massacre

New Trend: Jews taking off their mezuzahs because of violence and fear as questions are raised about the state of tolerance and security for Jews in France.


French lawmaker demands 'swift, strict' prosecution of Hamas supporters

The French government has reported 24 arrests for more than 100 antisemitic acts since the Hamas terror attack.

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