'You're Jewish, we will rape you': Nursery director targeted in Paris attack

“You’re Jewish, you’re a Zionist. We will rape you, cut you up as they do in Gaza."

 A woman walks past a building tagged with Stars of David in Paris, France, October 31, 2023 (photo credit: REUTERS/LUCIEN LIBERT)
A woman walks past a building tagged with Stars of David in Paris, France, October 31, 2023

A nursery director in Champigny-sur-Marne, a suburb of Paris, was the target of a severe antisemitic attack on Tuesday. An unknown man armed with a knife broke into the nursery, confronting the director with alarming threats.

The assailant's words, “You’re Jewish, you’re a Zionist. Five of us will come to rape you, cut you up like they do in Gaza,” have caused widespread concern and condemnation.

The Créteil public prosecutor's office, in the southeastern suburbs of Paris, has begun an investigation. The perpetrator remains at large, raising concerns about antisemitism and security in the region.

French leaders respond

French politicians and community leaders have strongly reacted to the attack. Mathieu Lefèvre, a Member of Parliament representing the 5th constituency of Val-de-Marne, condemned the incident on X (ex-Twitter) as a "vile antisemitic attack".

Similarly, the President of the Representative Council of Jewish Institutions in France (Crif) spoke on X, highlighting the seriousness of the situation.

In a significant show of solidarity, the President of Crif joined Aurore Bergé, France's Minister of Solidarity and Families, and MP Mathieu Lefèvre. Minister Bergé stressed that nurseries and all child-care facilities should be considered sanctuaries.

The Criif has offered full support to the nursery director and reaffirmed its dedication to fighting antisemitism in all forms. The organization called for a strong response to such hate crimes and advocates for the safety and respect of all community members.
