Bringing French politics toward the center is a balancing act - editorial

The potential impact on France’s Jewish community and its relationship with Israel must be a critical consideration as Macron and his party strategize for the upcoming elections.

 French President Emmanuel Macron gestures as he speaks during an international humanitarian conference for civilians in Gaza, at the Elysee Presidential Palace, in Paris, France, on November 9, 2023. (photo credit: LUDOVIC MARIN/POOL VIA REUTERS)
French President Emmanuel Macron gestures as he speaks during an international humanitarian conference for civilians in Gaza, at the Elysee Presidential Palace, in Paris, France, on November 9, 2023.

French President Emmanuel Macron’s recent decision to call for snap parliamentary elections has not only intensified the political landscape in France but also raised alarms about potential alliances with the extreme Left. The left-wing coalition, known as the New Popular Front, comprises various factions with a history of significant anti-Israel sentiment. This development poses severe risks to France’s foreign policy and the well-being of its Jewish community.

The New Popular Front includes Jean-Luc Mélenchon’s France Unbowed, the Greens, Socialists, and Communists. These factions, particularly under Mélenchon’s leadership, have a history of strong anti-Israel rhetoric. Mélenchon himself has been a polarizing figure, often criticizing Israel in harsh terms and supporting motions that many see as hostile towards the Jewish state.

Mélenchon’s party, France Unbowed, has been particularly vocal in its criticism of Israel. The party’s platform includes calls for boycotts and sanctions against Israel, aligning with the global Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions movement. Such positions have not only alienated the Jewish community in France but also complicated France’s diplomatic relations with Israel. Mélenchon has accused Israel of human rights violations and has been a staunch supporter of Palestinian causes, often framing his arguments in a way that many critics argue crosses the line into antisemitism.

Adding to the concerns is Rima Hassan, a prominent pro-Palestinian activist within the New Popular Front. Hassan has been an outspoken critic of Israel, often participating in rallies and demonstrations that accuse Israel of genocide and call for the liberation of Palestine “from the river to the sea,” a slogan widely interpreted as a call for the elimination of the Israeli state. 

Mélenchon has made statements that have been interpreted as not just critical of Israeli policies but also as supporting Palestinian resistance in a manner that raises concerns. His past remarks have included allegations against Israel that many view as incendiary and unhelpful to the peace process. Moreover, the presence of pro-Palestinian members within his party further exacerbates this issue. 

 The Eiffel Tower lights up in white and blue, the colours of the Israeli flag, following Hamas' biggest attack on Israel in years, in Paris, France, October 9, 2023 (credit: REUTERS/BENOIT TESSIER)
The Eiffel Tower lights up in white and blue, the colours of the Israeli flag, following Hamas' biggest attack on Israel in years, in Paris, France, October 9, 2023 (credit: REUTERS/BENOIT TESSIER)

Including other radical elements within the New Popular Front exacerbates this issue. The Greens and Communists, also part of this coalition, have expressed similar anti-Israel views. Their alignment with pro-Palestinian activism could lead to a government that is not only divided on domestic policies but also adopts a foreign policy that is overtly critical of Israel. 

Moreover, the rise of the extreme Left poses a direct threat to the Jewish community in France. Antisemitic incidents have been on the rise, and the rhetoric from some elements within the extreme Left often blurs the line between legitimate criticism of Israeli policies and outright antisemitism

Such a coalition could result in policy paralysis, undermining France’s ability to address the critical problems effectively. This paralysis would not only affect domestic governance but could also prevent France from playing a proactive role on the international stage, particularly in supporting Israel and countering antisemitism globally.

To the Left or to the Right?

While Macron’s primary objective is to prevent the far-right National Rally from gaining more power, aligning with the extreme Left is fraught with risks. The far Right, under Marine Le Pen, has become increasingly mainstream and presents its own set of challenges. However, a coalition with the extreme Left could be equally damaging, especially considering the Left’s anti-Israel stance and the potential for increased domestic instability.

Finally, while the immediate goal of countering the far Right’s rise is understandable, the long-term implications of aligning with the extreme Left could prove detrimental to France’s political stability and foreign policy. Macron must navigate this complex political landscape carefully to avoid exacerbating divisions within France and ensure effective governance for the remainder of his term. The potential impact on France’s Jewish community and its relationship with Israel must be a critical consideration as Macron and his party strategize for the upcoming elections. This delicate balancing act will require a nuanced approach that upholds centrist values while effectively addressing the electorate’s concerns and safeguarding France’s international relationships.
