Israeli-Saudi Normalization

US tells Israel not to ignore Palestinians as PM lauds Saudi progress

Haim Katz is the first Israeli minister to publicly attend a global conference in Saudi Arabia, which does not have diplomatic ties with Israel.

US SOLDIERS stand in the background next to Israeli and American flags during an exercise in Israel.

Israel should seek existential defense pact with US - INSS

The INSS argues that while Saudi Arabia is requesting a defense pact from the US as part of recent talks, Israel should ask for one as well.

US Jews, don't block Israeli-Saudi normalization - opinion

The Israel Policy Forum letter ignores how Saudi normalization will benefit the US and Israel and upset Iran, China, and Russia. That's more important than indulging the Palestinians again.


Will Israel's peace deal with Saudi Arabia help Netanyahu regain support?

Any deal with the Saudis would not hinder the judicial reform protests that have been ongoing for the past few months, the poll also found.

Saudi-US ties are under the spotlight - opinion

Saudi Arabia’s economic interests come before partnerships and strategic alliances with major powers, especially the US, given the recent circumstances in their relationship.

Netanyahu must not let his coalition interfere with Saudi normalization - editorial

The vision of a new Middle East that Netanyahu touted during his UNGA speech will have to overcome numerous hurdles, both from within Israel and on the global stage.

Saudis: Peace must include Palestinian state, east Jerusalem as capital

Saudi FM spoke at the United Nations General Assembly on Saturday.

Why Netanyahu and Biden need each other for a Saudi deal

The US has helped Israel normalize six existing regional deals: Egypt, Jordan, the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Morocco, and Sudan.

Netanyahu under fire for using Greater Land of Israel map at UN

Netanyahu used the map to illustrate a new era of peace in the Middle East that would include the Palestinians, but critics say he sent the opposite message.

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