Israeli-Saudi Normalization

Saudi Arabia wants peace with Israel after Gaza war, envoy tells BBC

Saudi Arabian ambassador to the UK said to the BBC on Tuesday that his country is interested in normalization with Israel after the war, with one condition - the creation of a Palestinian State.

How can the US use the Gaza war to expand the Abraham Accords?

All of this is possible if the administration pursues a combined Marshall-NATO-like strategy in the Middle East.

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In the spirit of candle lighting and making wishes, here are eight dreams I pray can come true this holiday season.

Advancing Israel-Saudi normalization hinges on defeating Hamas - opinion

The victory over Hamas and its defeat is mainly necessary for the circle of Abraham agreements to expand to include Saudi Arabia.


What are key goals in the war for Hamas? - opinion

One of them is the plan to derail Israel-Saudi normalization.


What could a Saudi perspective on the Israel-Hamas war look like? - opinion

Saudi Arabia and Israel have many shared interests, chief among them the struggle against radical Islam propagated by groups such as ISIS and the Muslim Brotherhood.


Saudi Arabia cautions US, Israel against destructive war in Gaza

Despite these concerns, American and Saudi officials seem to still believe a normalization agreement can be worked out, with many of the shared interests that pushed them together still there.

Israel-Hamas war: It's not too late to salvage peace with Saudi Arabia - opinion

Amid such enormous uncertainty and increased threat, MBS quite predictably has opted to hit the pause button on normalization. But salvaging Israel-Saudi ties is possible.


US-Saudi relations are in crisis - opinion

Washington’s efforts should aim at preventing Iran from becoming a nuclear-threshold state. This may be the only arrow left in Washington’s quiver to remind Riyadh who really has its back.


Saudi Arabia has given up on Palestine with Israeli peace - terror chief

Islamic Jihad head: "Those who rush towards normalization with the Zionist project know, that this is their acknowledgment that Palestine is not ours."

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