Israeli-Saudi Normalization

Blinken says US-Saudi pacts could be 'weeks away' from completion

As Washington works on restoring calm in Gaza through a hostage deal that would achieve a ceasefire, Blinken said, a moment of choice was approaching for Israel.

 Yisrael Beytenu chairman MK Avigdor Liberman speaks at the Knesset in Jerusalem on May 20, 2024

Saudi using Israeli peace as cover for its nuclear program - Liberman

“It is the wrong thing to do for the State of Israel because the core of the agreement is the approval Israel gives to the Saudi nuclear program."

PA to return to Gaza, Saudi-normalization in Arab-American ‘day-after’ plan

According to the document received by Al-Ahkbar, the plan for the "day after" the war, which is divided into two stages.


Sen Graham to 'Post': Senate won't pass US-Saudi pact without Israeli normalization

The United States had moved rapidly in the early fall on a triad deal with Saudi Arabia. It included a defense pact between Washington and Riyadh, a normalization deal with Israel and Saudi Arabia.

 Benny Gantz holds a press conference at the Knesset, in Jerusalem, April 3, 2024

Israel to fight Hamas for many years, Saudi peace within reach, Gantz says

National Unity head: Elected officials' calls against hostages' families shame me • Saudi peace deal is within reach.

 US Secretary of State Antony Blinken takes part in a discussion at the Munich Security Conference

Blinken hints at 'extraordinary' opportunity for Israel-Saudi peace

"Virtually every Arab country now genuinely wants to integrate Israel" into the Middle East, Blinken told the Munich Security Conference.


Blinken: Ending Gaza war, two-state path needed for Saudi deal with Israel

The Saudis repeated that normalization required two things, Blinken said, “One, there needs to be calm in Gaza; two, there needs to be a clear and credible pathway to a Palestinian state."

No peace talks with Israel without a two-state solution, Saudi Arabia says

The kingdom stated to affirm its steadfast position to Washington on the Palestinian issue in the light of the comments attributed to Kirby.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Saudi Arabian Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman

Saudi Arabia willing to make concessions on Palestinians for peace with Israel

Saudi officials have told their US counterparts that Riyadh would not insist Israel take concrete steps to create a Palestinian state.


Saudi Arabia-Israel peace cannot happen without path to Palestinian state - FM

De-escalation of the conflict in Gaza and halting civilian deaths is a key focus of Saudi Arabia, the minister said.

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