Christian Zionism

Official Hamas propaganda distributed at Mandela Foundation and fringe Jewish organization event

Two anti-Israel conferences held in South Africa this past week featured formal-level hosting of Hamas members and distribution of Hamas propaganda.


Israel Allies Foundation event highlights Christian support

There is unshakable support for Israel in many influential circles around the world.

Netanyahu to address US, Israeli group advocating total control of West Bank

The group is made up of rabbis, evangelical pastors, former Israeli and US ambassadors, as well as members of Knesset. 

Christians gather in Jerusalem's Old City for Easter amid Gaza war

Despite a decrease in tourists and tempered celebrations, Christians gathered at the Garden Tomb in Jerusalem's Old City for prayer and commemoration.

‘Left Jerusalem out to dry’: Christian orgs. condemn US ceasefire abstain vote

CUFI Action funder Chairwoman Sandra Parker asked, if the resolution was "Welcomed by Hamas," "Who is the current American policy helping?"


UNRWA issue tops agenda for faith-based parliamentarians in Israel

Chairman's Conference welcomes global leaders to tackle alleged Hamas ties, Iranian threats, and the globalization of radical Islam.


Faith-based diplomacy: Are Christians Israel's diplomatic Iron Dome?

While Israel continues to receive threats from terrorists and protesters, Christian Zionists continue to show up for Israel.

Is Israel racist? I visited to get the facts straight

I am black, Christian, and American. And I unapologetically stand with Israel’s right to defend itself. 

SOME OF THE thousands of Christian supporters of Israel at the CUFI Summit in Washington last week.

Largest pro-Israel Christian group to Biden: Permanently defund UNRWA

“How much time do we really believe will pass before the White House turns the spigot back on?” asked CUFI Action Fund Chairwoman Sandra Parker.

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