Arye Deri

Rabbi Arye Deri is a longtime Israeli lawmaker and is the head of the Sephardi ultra-Orthodox Shas Party.

Having served in the past in multiple ministerial roles such as interior minister, health minister, deputy prime minister, economy minister, and religious services minister, Deri's career has also been hounded by numerous accusations of corruption.

He has been convicted on multiple charges throughout his tenure in politics, and most recently was stripped of his posts as health minister and interior minister following a ruling by the High Court of Justice due to these positions being a violation of a plea bargain he had made.

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Amid the haredi draft debate, Shas is dragging Israel into its past traumas

Expecting Netanyahu and Deri to act right overlooks their leadership failures, transforming the conscription crisis from a potential Shas triumph into disaster for the State of Israel.


'Emergency gov't isn't stable': MK Deri discusses hostage deal, cabinet leaks, and wartime cabinet

"There is no doubt that [the emergency government] isn't stable and durable; it is easy to weaken."

Why Deri came to Biden's defense against 'angel of destruction' Ben-Gvir

Arye Deri expected Netanyahu to publicly denounce the damaging statements made by the National Security Minister.


Arye Deri calls for law to delay contentious High Court verdict

National Unity Party MK Gideon Sa'ar announced that he would oppose any attempt to pass such a law.

Arye Deri’s ultra-Orthodox son joins IDF reserve forces

MK Aryeh Deri's son is one of roughly 3,000 ultra-Orthodox Israelis who have enlisted in the IDF since the onset of Operation Swords of Iron.


Netanyahu fails to take responsibility - are Israelis surprised? - opinion

According to a poll taken this week by the Jewish People Policy Institute, Netanyahu’s approval rating is right now about 30%.


Arye Deri appoints Shas MK as new Israeli health minister

The position was previously held by Moshe Arbel who is also the interior minister and requested to have someone take over one of the positions due to the heavy workload brought on by the war.

MK Arye Deri's $5,000 etrog raises legal questions

This may be the most expensive yellow citron sold in 2023.

Arye Deri announces that he will not return to gov't

Deri said that he does not intend to promote the "Deri Law 2," which would restrict the High Court of Justice’s judicial intervention with appointments of ministers.


Budget approved for food stamps for the needy ahead of Rosh Hashanah

41,000 Holocaust survivors would also get the help they need from the food stamps.

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