West Bank Israel

Eli terrorists' homes mapped in West Bank, Erez crossing remains closed - IDF

It was also decided on Tuesday morning that the Erez crossing at the Israel-Gaza Strip border would remain closed to Gazans throughout Tuesday. 

Settlers aim for 1 million Israelis living in West Bank's Samaria by 2050

Should this plan come to fruition there would be at least 25 cities in Samaria by 2050, compared to Samaria’s one settler city of Ariel.

Did the IDF operation in Jenin 'cut the grass' in West Bank terror?

MILITARY AFFAIRS: Discussions with many Israeli sources with knowledge on the situation, reveal that there are still some fundamental disagreements about the impact of the operation.

Settler leader: Huwara attack fueled US anger at Israeli judicial reform

Violence in the West Bank and the judicial reform crisis has pushed the Biden administration away from closer relations with Israel.

Netanyahu, Biden strike blow to already weak Abbas, PA - analysis

If Israel and the US want to retain it as a legitimate diplomatic partner then it has to do more to legitimately strengthen it.

State confirms plans to return Israelis to destroyed Homesh settlement

Israelis will officially be allowed to return to the Homesh settlement in the West Bank.

Israel: PA has allowed Iran to gain a West Bank foothold

Israel’s Ambassador to the UN stated that the Palestinian Authority was responsible for the escalation of violence of in the West Bank.

Guterres: UN won’t send int’l force to protect Palestinians in West Bank

UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said that the UN would not be sending forces to the West Bank following Israel's two day military campaign in the West Bank city of Jenin.

Jewish extremism and vigilantism is a disturbing trend - opinion

The far-right in Israel refuses to condemn extremist Jewish violence against Palestinians.


Israel must end violence in West Bank to protect Israelis and Palestinians - opinion

Palestinians have no official protection, neither against settler violence nor against the Israeli military forces.

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