Eli terrorists' homes mapped in West Bank, Erez crossing remains closed - IDF

It was also decided on Tuesday morning that the Erez crossing at the Israel-Gaza Strip border would remain closed to Gazans throughout Tuesday. 

 Israeli security forces on September 18, 2023 map the homes of the three terrorists responsible for the deadly Eli gas station attack in June 2023. (photo credit: IDF SPOKESPERSON'S UNIT)
Israeli security forces on September 18, 2023 map the homes of the three terrorists responsible for the deadly Eli gas station attack in June 2023.

Israeli security forces in the West Bank village of Urif on Tuesday morning mapped the four houses of three terrorists who took part in the Eli gas station attack on June 20, 2023, in which four Israelis were murdered.

It was also decided on Tuesday morning that the Erez crossing at the Israel-Gaza Strip border would remain closed to Gazans throughout Tuesday. 

The crossing was also closed on Monday, with riots breaking out at the Gaza border. 

Overnight on Monday night, IDF soldiers as well as Shin Bet and Border Police officers arrested a total of three wanted individuals throughout the West Bank. 

IDF clashes in West Bank overnight

During operations in the Al Aroub refugee camp in which two people were arrested, residents threw stones at Israeli forces who responded with crowd dispersal measures. 

 Israeli security forces on September 18, 2023 map the homes of the three terrorists responsible for the deadly Eli gas station attack in June 2023. (credit: IDF SPOKESPERSON'S UNIT)
Israeli security forces on September 18, 2023 map the homes of the three terrorists responsible for the deadly Eli gas station attack in June 2023. (credit: IDF SPOKESPERSON'S UNIT)

During activity in the village of Doha, bystanders threw stones and Molotov cocktails at soldiers, as well as explosives. Israeli forces responded by shooting into the air.

Clashes broke out as troops were departing from Doha, and an IDF vehicle got stuck and sustained minor damage in the scuffle. It was subsequently rescued. 

Israeli security forces sustained no casualties overnight. 
