National Unity Party

Will Gantz continue to overtake Lapid in the polls? - opinion

Since Gantz entered politics completely unprepared in December 2018, he has learned a thing or two about how the political game is played.

Judicial reform negotiations continue at president's residence

The teams said that meeting was held in a positive atmosphere and with good will as both sides strive for a long-term solution.

PRIME MINISTER Benjamin Netanyahu and Blue and White Party leader Benny Gantz pass each other in the

Gantz soars to 29 seats in new poll; Netanyahu’s Likud hits new low of 20

According to a poll taken by Channel 13, if Israeli elections were held today, Netanyahu's Likud would drop to being the 3rd-largest party.

Second round of judicial reform negotiations take place at President's Residence

The meeting lasted two hours, and a presidential statement said it was held in "good spirits."

MK Tropper sues Likud activists who called him 'pedophile'

A known Likud activist on TikTok called Tropper a 'stinking pedophile' and claimed he had donated a kidney only because he was exposed.


UTJ's Moshe Gafni asks Benny Gantz to join gov't coalition - report

Gafni is reportedly seeking to increase the balance in the coalition by adding Gantz and the National Unity party. 

Opposition split on how to handle Netanyahu's judicial reform freeze

Lapid said that if indeed the legislation would come to a "real and complete" stop, he was prepared to enter dialogue at the president's residence.

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