
IDF demolishes home of Hamas terrorist who murdered Dee family

Three Palestinians were killed in clashes with Israeli forces throughout the West Bank overnight.

5 Palestinian terrorists injured in gunfight with IDF near Joseph’s Tomb

The IDF shut down a Palestinian command center in the nearby Balata refugee camp after the visits to Joseph's Tomb.

IDF announces Yom Kippur border closures for Gaza, West Bank

This comes after a recent string of violent attacks and riots both inside sovereign Israel and at border crossings and checkpoints in the West Bank and Gaza.

Four IDF soldiers wounded in Joseph's Tomb terror explosion

Despite the violence, the visit to Joseph's Tomb continued as planned.


IDF soldiers shot terrorists who fired at a military post near Nablus

The soldiers arrested one of the armed terrorists who had been injured in the exchange. The weapon he used to fire at the IDF soldiers, an M-16, was confiscated.

The Abbas paradox: How the PA still holds clout in the West Bank

Abbas’s visit to the Jenin Refugee Camp proved that although the PA has lost much of its credibility among Palestinians, it continues to carry a lot of clout in the West Bank.

Hamas terrorists killed in attempted terror attack against IDF soldiers

A vehicle with three armed Palestinians pulled into a neighborhood near Nablus. An armed man got out and began shooting at the soldiers stationed there. 

Palestinian Islamic Jihad members attack worshippers at Joseph's Tomb

According to several reports, the IDF protected the worshippers, and several Palestinian gunmen were wounded in the exchange of fire.

Two Palestinians behind shooting attack killed in clashes in Nablus

Defense Minister Yoav Gallant warned "we will act everywhere - with determination, lethality, and strength."


Israel needs to launch a military operation in the West Bank - opinion

Terrorist organizations based in Jenin and Nablus maintain control over the West Bank, growing in influence, arming themselves and organizing their activities

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