IDF demolishes home of Hamas terrorist who murdered Dee family

Three Palestinians were killed in clashes with Israeli forces throughout the West Bank overnight.

 IDF troops operating in Nablus, the West Bank, against terrorists who murdered the Dee sisters and mother, on May 4, 2023 (photo credit: IDF SPOKESPERSON'S UNIT)
IDF troops operating in Nablus, the West Bank, against terrorists who murdered the Dee sisters and mother, on May 4, 2023

The IDF demolished the Nablus home of one of the Hamas terrorists who murdered Lucy Dee and her daughters Maia and Rina in April early Sunday morning, according to Palestinian reports later confirmed by Israeli security forces.

The IDF had announced its intention to demolish the home in recent months.

Lucy, Maia, and Rina Dee were shot and killed by Hamas terrorists in an attack near the Jordan Valley in April. The terrorists behind the attack were killed in clashes with Israeli forces in Nablus about a month after the attack.

 THE DEE family poses for a photo, in 2021. (credit: TALIA KIRSHNER)
THE DEE family poses for a photo, in 2021. (credit: TALIA KIRSHNER)

Three Palestinians killed in clashes with Israeli forces

During armed clashes between Israeli forces and Palestinians in the Askar camp in Nablus ahead of the demolition, one Palestinian was killed, according to Palestinian media.

A Palestinian was also reportedly killed in clashes with Israeli forces in Bayt Rima in the northern West Bank, while another Palestinian was killed in clashes in Tamun, near Tubas.

Clashes were also reported in Jenin, Silat al-Harithiya, and Tulkarm overnight.
