Jerusalem day

Far-right activists attack journalists during Jerusalem Day festivities

Scuffles were also reported between Arabs and Jews throughout the Muslim Quarter of the Old City before and during the march.


Bipartisan event fetes united Jerusalem in US Congress

The Congressional Israeli Allies Caucus Caucus Co-Chair Rep. Brad Schneider, a member of Biden’s party, said that he is “proud to celebrate Jerusalem Day."

Some 50,000 Israelis join Jerusalem Day flag march, scuffles erupt in Old City

Jewish visitors to the Temple Mount raised Israeli flags and sang "Hatikva" at the site. | Palestinian protest on Gaza border.


Celebrate Jerusalem Day to promote peace, coexistence in Israel - editorial

With all eyes on Jerusalem during today’s events, let us redouble our efforts to bring peace, coexistence and equality to our beloved capital.

Israel Police arrests illegal resident connected to ammo found at Haifa mall

Israel Police and Shin Bet opened an investigation on the incident, with initial reports stating that that he is an illegal resident from Nablus.


Netanyahu: Israel continues to ensure security, prosperity in Jerusalem

Jerusalem Day falls on Friday but will be celebrated nationally on Thursday to avoid any conflict with Shabbat.

Is the IDF worried about another round of conflict on Jerusalem Day? - analysis

Jerusalem Day will probably not go without incidents this year, but in terms of major threats, the intelligence outlook is actually much calmer than in recent years

Jerusalem remains Israel's biggest city with nearly 1m. residents

89% of those aged 20-years-old or older are satisfied with their lives in the city, similar to the national average.

Jerusalem Day: Here's what to know ahead of the flag march

Security tensions, road closures, march routes and music festivals: Here's what to know for Jerusalem Day.


We will not forget the importance of Jerusalem - opinion

Jerusalem Day is not a day to hound Muslim residents and shopkeepers in the Old City. It is a day to proudly wave the Israeli flag, if you wish, and march your way to the Western Wall

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