Javier Milei

Javier Milei is the current president of Argentina. Noted for his similarities Donald Trump and Jair Bolsonaro, his policies have been characterized as right-wing libertarian and populist, with a lean towards anarcho-capitalism. He has also advocated for freedom of choice over a variety of issues, such as prostitution, drugs, same-sex marriage, and gun control. 

Milei has also been noted for his eccentric personality and even has a superhero persona, General AnCap.

Despite having been raised Catholic, Milei has been vocal about his admiration for Judaism and claims to read the Torah every day and having considered formally converting. He has also advocated for closer ties with Israel and stated his intention to move Argentina's embassy to Jerusalem.

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Argentina freezes embassy move to Jerusalem, approves new ambassador to Israel

Argentina’s government froze it’s initiative to move it’s embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem in order to appoint Rabbi Axel Wahnish to be the new Argentinian ambassador to Israel.

 Javier Milei at the Western Wall, February 6, 2024

Javier Milei's rabbi to 'Post': How the Argentinian president fell in love with Judaism

Milei's visit to the Western Wall was one of the first things he did when he arrived in the Holy Land, bringing the leader to tears.

Argentina Jewish group condemns Milei’s decision to shutter country’s anti-discrimination office

“Discrimination in Argentina is a problem suffered by various groups,” the country’s umbrella Jewish group said.


Argentina thanks Israel for hostages' rescue

"The Office of the President thanks the Israeli Defense Forces, the Shabak and the Israeli Police for having successfully completed the rescue of the Argentines Fernando Simon Marman and Louis Har."

First female Argentine saint brings together Pope Francis and Milei

Milei, a maverick right-wing libertarian, in the past called Francis an "imbecile," a "son-of-a-bitch preaching communism" and the devil's man on earth.


Argentina's President Milei embraces spirituality during his visit to the Old City

Milei regularly studies Torah and has shown a close connection with the Chabad movement.

Argentina's Javier Milei condemns Hamas on visit to Oct. 7 massacre site

"We continue to reaffirm our solidarity towards the State of Israel and our support for Israel's right to Israel's right to legitimate self-defense," President Milei stated.

Argentina's President Milei meets Netanyahu in Jerusalem

In the meeting, the two discussed the launch of a joint business delegation, moving the Argentinian Embassy to Jerusalem, and Argentina declaring Hamas as a terrorist organization.

 Javier Milei at the Western Wall, February 6, 2024

'A partner of Zionist occupiers': Hamas, Arab world slams Argentina

Hamas called on Milei to “rescind this unjust and wrong decision, which places Argentina as a partner to the Zionist occupier.”

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