Israel Katz

Israel Katz is an Israeli lawmaker and member of the Likud Party. He currently serves as the country's foreign minister after serving as energy minister for two years in a rotation deal with Eli Cohen.

Katz has served many other ministerial roles in the past, specifically as transportation minister, agriculture minister, intelligence minister, and finance minister.

He is considered a hardliner in Israeli politics regarding peace and security, supporting settlements and West Bank annexation, but has also advocated for the establishment of an autonomous Palestinian entity.

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Luxembourg's Prime Minister Xavier Bettel speaks to media in Brussels, Belgium July 2, 2019

'What would you do?': Luxembourg FM meets with Israel Katz, hostage family members

"Imagine that your neighbors come and, depending on the population, murder 150 people and kidnap 12 citizens - what would Luxembourg do?" asked hostage father Eli Albag

Spain's foreign minister condemns 'scandalous' Israeli flamenco video posted by Israel Katz

"We are not going to fall into provocations. The video is scandalous and execrable," Spanish Foreign Minister Jose Manuel Albares told a news conference in Brussels.

 Envoys of Ireland, Spain and Norway watch the October 7 horror film released on Wednesday

Irish officials complain after ambassador shown footage of October 7

Irish Deputy Premier Micheal Martin complained on Friday, “I find that totally unacceptable and no way to treat diplomats, and is outside the norm by which diplomats are treated in any country.”

 Foreign Minister Israel Katz speaks at the Munich Security Conference in Germany on February 16

FM Katz severs connection between Spain's representation in Israel and Palestinians

Katz ordered the measure two days after Spain, Ireland and Norway announced they would unilaterally recognize Palestine as a state, a measure that officially goes into effect on May 28.

France says conditions for recognizing Palestine as state not met yet - foreign minister

The US believes a Palestinian state should be achieved through negotiations and not unilateral recognition, and has the power of veto at the United Nations.


Israel recalls envoys over Palestinian statehood: ‘We won’t stand silent’

Israel Katz: “I've instructed the immediate recall of Israel’s ambassadors... in light of these countries' decisions to recognize a Palestinian state."

UNGA votes 143-9 to upgrade Palestinian statehood status

The United Nations General Assembly voted 143-9 to upgrade Palestine's status as a non-member observer state, sparking criticism from Israel.

United Nations Secretary General Antonio Guterres addresses the opening of the UNGA

UNGA expected to upgrade Palestinian statehood status

While the UNGA cannot formally grant UN membership, the vote could grant Palestinians similar rights.

Israel Foreign Ministry: 'Recognizing a Palestinian state means rewarding Hamas for murder'

This video was published amid calls from leaders across Western countries for a two state solution, meaning recognizing a Palestinian state. 

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