Foreign Minister launches new campaign against Palestinian Authority rule in Gaza

Foreign Minister Israel Katz published a video on Thursday in which he argues that the PA is educating Palestinian children to hate Israel and support terrorism.

 Israel Katz (photo credit: MARC ISRAEL SELLEM)
Israel Katz
(photo credit: MARC ISRAEL SELLEM)

The Palestinian Authority cannot and should not be allowed to control Gaza on the day after the war, according to Israeli Foreign Minister Israel Katz, who has launched an international campaign against the Palestinian Authority (PA).

Katz published a video on Thursday in which he argues that the PA is educating Palestinian children to hate Israel and support terrorism. He pointed to the PA's support for the families of terrorists who have murdered Jews and its lack of public support among Palestinians.

Jamal al Hawil, a PA council member, is quoted saying, "in god's will, we may see such bravery (massacre) in the West Bank."

Video quotes Hamas and PA members 

"We thank the Al-Qassam Brigades who planned and executed (the massacre)," Abbas Zaki, another senior PA member, was also quoted saying in the video shared by Katz.

According to the Foreign Ministry, "the PA is corrupt and lacks legitimacy among the Palestinian people. They educate Palestinian children to hate Israel and glorify 'martyrdom.' Their leaders deny the October 7th massacre and express support for Hamas' actions."

They mentioned the fact that in 2007, Hamas violently took control of Gaza from the PA, throwing PA officials off a 15-story roof. "Since then, Hamas has ruled Gaza with an iron fist, using the territory to launch rockets and terror attacks against Israeli civilians," the Ministry said.

Katz's campaign aims to convince the US and European countries to abandon their misguided support for the PA and recognize that the future of Gaza and the region depends on making the right decisions now.

"We cannot allow the PA to control Gaza on the day after the war," a senior official in the Foreign Ministry said on Thursday. "The future of Gaza and the region depends on making the right decisions now."
