
 Military personnel stand guard on the Rafah border crossing between Egypt and the Gaza Strip

Israeli, Egyptian forces exchange fire, Egyptian soldier killed

The IDF said that the incident was under investigation and that a dialogue was taking place with the Egyptians.

 Israeli soldiers in the Gaza Strip, May 27, 2024

Israel-Hamas War Day 234: What's happening in Gaza?

Israel says civilians were not near Rafah strike • US destroys Houthi UAV • US considers sanctioning settlers disrupting humanitarian aid transport

United States considers sanctioning Gaza humanitarian aid-blocking protesters

A senior official told the Washington Post that the US was considering issuing sanctions against settlers blocking aid from reaching Gaza.

IDF kills Hamas's West Bank division head in targeted Rafah airstrike

IDF airstrikes targeted Hamas leaders Yassin Rabia and Khalid Nagaar in Rafah, claiming it struck legitimate targets while following the ICJ's ruling.

 Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu leads a war cabinet meeting on January 10, 2024

War Cabinet to debate new proposal for a hostage deal

The discussion will be “based on the new proposals that came up at the meeting” held in Paris over the weekend.

Vessels used for delivering aid to Gaza via US-built pier run aground in Ashdod, May 25, 2024

US ship pulls landing craft off Ashdod beach

USAV Matamoros used a rope to help free a US-army landing craft stranded in the sand on the coast of Israel.

The IDF has the Netzarim corridor and Gaza border today - what comes next?

The IDF is back in Gaza, and what happens in Netzarim could determine the course of the war.

IDF announces names of two soldiers who fell in battle in Gaza

Since Hamas launched its attack on Israel on October 7th, 696 IDF soldiers have fallen in battle.

Netanyahu has 'gone off the rails,' taking country down, says former IDF official

"We are in a war that has no purpose," warned former IDF official Itzhak Brik.

By 104.5FM
 Israeli soldiers operate in the Gaza Strip, May 26, 2024

Why IDF's swift response to fabricated ‘kidnapping video’ surprised Hamas

Israel's immediate response to Hamas's claim of kidnapping an IDF soldier was almost as if it had been expecting these claims.

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