
Emojis can promote communications between patients and physicians - US researchers

The use of emojis may be able to improve communication between patients and their medical providers.

How did Meta's stock nearly double in value since the start of 2023?

Remember Meta, the tech firm with all the cuts and layoffs? Since the beginning of the year, it nearly doubled its value. What's happening to Big Tech on Wall Street?


Terror-supporting NGO advises Facebook on Israel content moderation

The NGO and its officials have repeatedly and publicly supported terrorism against Israel.

Supreme Court rules Twitter not liable for terrorist content, decision reversed by Ninth Circuit

The case, Twitter Inc v. Taamneh, was based on allegations that Twitter aided and abetted ISIS in its terror attack on a nightclub in Istanbul, Turkey on January 1, 2017. 

Want to be productive? Here are five ways to stop procrastinating

Even if we don't want to see ourselves as such, most of push things off. A few of us have even turned into chronic procrastinators, so what can we do?


Netflix trounced Disney on Israel's most popular website of 2022 list

In the category of social media, unsurprisingly, Youtube, Whatsapp and Facebook dominate the field, with over 90% of Israelis using each one.

US Supreme Court weighs convicted stalker's free speech claim

Billy Counterman, found guilty in a 2017 trial and sentenced to 4-1/2 years in prison, is challenging his conviction under a Colorado stalking law

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