
Anti-Israel protest

Radicalized sociologists on the warpath

The proposed resolution, which in effect justifies the atrocities as “resistance” to “genocide,” represents a betrayal of basic sociological principles and a giant step backward for the profession.

Israeli ambassador to Ireland receives 'white powder,' death threats in mail

The Gardai announced they would implement a review of the security situation at the embassy as a result of the increasing number of threats.

 Emergency workers stand near the Israeli embassy in Stockholm, January 31, 2024

Burning object thrown at Israeli embassy in Hague, one arrested

There has been a rapid rise in the number of hate crimes reported across Europe since the Israel-Hamas conflict in Gaza began last October.


Meta called on to clarify anti-Zionist content policies and definition

Fighting Online Antisemitism (FOA) requested Meta install context-specific protections for the word "Zionist."

Jonathan Glazer is just a useful idiot for the enemies of the Jewish people - opinion

As Jewish history teaches us, there will always be “useful [Jewish] idiots” like Jonathan Glazer, and some of the dangerous anti-Zionists will be Jewish.

October 7 denial is the progressive version of Trumpism

How does one react to accounts of mass rape, mutilation, and savage sexual violence? Some would rather not know about it in order to protect themselves. Others prefer to treat it with disbelief.


Antisemitism isn't an abstract issue, ADL CEO Jonathan Greenblatt says in 'State of Hate' speech

Attacking Jews in America or anywhere for that matter doesn't make someone a decolonizer, freedom fighter or a progressive, Greenblatt said, it makes them a bigot.

Letter signed by anti-Zionist Jews claims Israel 'weaponized' Hamas rape accusations

An open letter penned and signed by anti-Zionists and activists accuses the Israeli and US governments of weaponizing claims of rape, in another denial of victims of Hamas’s sexual violence.

Antisemitism in Australia isn't a simple problem to fix

“It’s been a process going back some 20-30 years, almost in plain sight. But we didn’t understand it, certainly not the extent of the ‘anti-Zionism.’”

Hamas leader hosted as honorable speaker at PFLP-linked webinar

During the two-hour-long webinar, Naim justified the October 7 massacre and laid out the perceived achievements from the atrocities.

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