50 years after his first visit, these are a recent oleh's thoughts on Israel - opinion

I visited well over 90 times, bought two apartments and expended thousands of hours and dollars in Zionist causes, including creating a Jewish high school with one of its core tenets being Zionism.


US Jews issue penalty card to the Israeli government - opinion

The basic facts are that the majority of non-Orthodox American Jews are liberal supporters of the Democratic Party and its values.

Gov't MK to AIPAC: We will work together for a more democratic Israel

Iowa Senator Charles Grassley expressed concern following the judge's expressions of admiration for former High Court president Aharon Barak.


AIPAC should speak up against Israel's judicial reform - opinion

As the main pro-Israel organization in the US, AIPAC should take a proactive stance and voice its concerns about judicial reform.


Robert H. Asher: A modest American-Israeli hero - opinion

Bob wasn’t interested in power, fame or glory. He simply wanted to do the right thing – for Israel and America. As AIPAC’s president, he took that same philosophy nationally.


New US Congress to be sworn in – what’s on Jewish orgs’ agenda?

For US Jewish organizations, the new Congress will mean seeking consensus between Republicans and Democrats to promote bills on issues important for the community.

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