Can you create the largest number possible by moving just two matches?

A riddle recently published online managed to challenge quite a few users. The answer is simple, but will you be able to answer it?

 Move only two matches to reach the highest possible number. (photo credit: MAARIV/TIKTOK)
Move only two matches to reach the highest possible number.
(photo credit: MAARIV/TIKTOK)

The riddle in front of you has become particularly viral because it has left many internet users confused. It was recently posted on a TikTok account that often shares quizzes and personality tests.

The following puzzle is for those who enjoy solving analytical tests. You will have to think "outside the box" to reach a solution. 

All you have to do is get a number greater than 38, but you can only move two matches. 

How long will it take you to find the answer?

Will you be able to reach the solution within 20 seconds? For most users, it took a little longer than that. 

Did you figure out the answer? Even if not, it's no big deal. The answer is down below.

 The answer for the TikTok match riddle. (credit: MAARIV/TIKTOK)
The answer for the TikTok match riddle. (credit: MAARIV/TIKTOK)

To get the highest number possible in this puzzle, you must take two matches from the number 3 - the middle and bottom horizontal matches, and turn them both into the number 1 to the right of the number 8. Instead of 38, you get the number 781, which is the highest number you can possibly get in this puzzle.
