Police arrest stone throwers, reckless drivers on Yom Kippur

The State of Israel will bring in the fast day on Sunday evening with increased tensions on the Lebanese and Gazan borders.

 An illustrative image of an Israel Police officer. (photo credit: ISRAEL POLICE)
An illustrative image of an Israel Police officer.
(photo credit: ISRAEL POLICE)

Police arrested stone throwers and reckless drivers during Yom Kippur, though law enforcement was on alert for more serious incidents amid ongoing security escalations in the West Bank, Lebanese, and Gazan borders.

Two stone throwers were arrested on Sunday night in Jerusalem's Givat Massuah neighborhood. Shortly after, a minor was arrested for throwing stones at passers-by the Pat junction. In the middle of the night, a fourth was arrested in south Jerusalem for stone throwing. The suspects ranged in age from 13-19.

Three motorcyclists and another person driving a car were arrested for driving recklessly Sunday night on the empty roads. Police were stationed throughout Jerusalem to prevent vehicular traffic to disrupt the High Holy Day.

Law enforcement sought to limit traffic from eastern to western Jerusalem to avoid civil disputes and traffic accidents.

Caution! Children playing!

As Yom Kippur is a time when children take to the emptied streets to ride bicycles and scooters, police cautioned parents and drivers to keep close eyes out for kids. Magen David Adom medics and paramedics treated 307 people who suffered injuries connected to bicycles, rollerblades, scooters and skateboards. One was a severe injury, and five people were moderately injured. 34 people were also treated for traffic accidents, which included a Chinese national who was hit by a vehicle while riding a bike.

Palestinian youths slinging rocks 521 (credit: REUTERS)
Palestinian youths slinging rocks 521 (credit: REUTERS)

No serious security incidents were reported on Monday night, though police were on high alert and called on the public to be vigilant and report unusual events and suspicious objects to police. On Wednesday, police advised citizens to carry legal firearms on the High Holy Day. Police and Border Police officers were stationed around the Kotel area on Saturday night to protect pilgrims.

Police updated Sunday that the suspected terrorist who conducted the Qalandia checkpoint car ramming on Thursday had his arrest extended by five days. The 38-year-old Kfar Aqab resident had injured a security guard in the suicidal attack, in which he had cut his own arms with an exacto-knife. The terrorist knifeman who injured a light rail guard at Givat HaMivtar also had his arrest extended. The assailant remains in serious condition in the hospital.
