Argentina's Milei wears kippah at havdalah, vows support for Jews and Israel

Milei once famously declared, "My law is the Torah."

Argentina's Milei wears kippah at havdalah, vows support for Jews and Israel (RADIO JAI)

Argentina's President-elect Javier Milei paid a visit to the traditional Eleventh neighborhood in Buenos Aires, known for its significant population of Orthodox Jews. During his visit to Hevrat Pinto on Saturday night, he participated in the havdalah ceremony and received a special blessing from the renowned Kabbalist Rabbi David Pinto.

Milei has expressed his intention to dedicate his time to an in-depth study of Jewish sources after his presidential term. At the event, he also voiced his unwavering support for Israel's right to self-defense, denounced Hamas terrorism, and called for the return of hostages. Furthermore, he announced his plan to relocate the Argentine embassy from Herzliya to Jerusalem.

During the gathering, Pinto recited a special prayer for the well-being of captives. Following this, Milei expressed deep appreciation for the support he received during the election campaign and reaffirmed his commitment to stand by the Jewish community and the State of Israel. He also participated in the havdalah ceremony, wearing a kippah on his head.

Milei vowed to maintain a strong connection with Rabbi Pinto and the Jewish community in Argentina, saying, "I celebrate this beautiful country and pray to God to protect the nation of Argentina so that it can be restored to its former glory. I am confident that, with the help of God, we will succeed." In response, the rabbi blessed him and expressed his ongoing prayers for Milei's success.

A year ago, Milei was interviewed by Radio Jai, a Jewish Argentinian news outlet, where he expressed his post-presidential aspirations of traveling to Jerusalem to deepen his studies of the Torah, Talmud, and other Jewish scriptures.

  (credit: Embassy of israel in Argentina)
(credit: Embassy of israel in Argentina)

Not everyone supports Milei, however. Some critics have expressed concerns about his far-right associations, occasionally labeling them as neo-Nazis, as reported.

A man of strong opinions

The former small-time rock musician and athlete holds positions against abortion and in favor of gun rights. He has criticized labor laws perceived as worker-friendly as a "cancer," asserted that the state is the root of all problems, and praised the notorious US gangster Al Capone as a hero. Milei once famously declared, "My law is the Torah."

On Friday, the president-elect communicated that he had engaged with the International Monetary Fund’s director, Kristalina Georgieva, to discuss adjustments to Argentina's fiscal and monetary policies. Georgieva emphasized the importance of addressing Argentina's economic challenges, including high inflation, a looming recession, and the need for decisive policy actions, while expressing the IMF's commitment to supporting efforts for lasting economic improvements.
