Products to help deal with anxiety

Innovative anxiety-relieving products developed by HCI master's students at Reichman University to help individuals cope with stress and mental health challenges.

  (photo credit: INGIMAGE)
(photo credit: INGIMAGE)

Graduate students in the HCI (Human-Computer Interaction) program, at the Sammy Ofer School of Communication, Reichman University, have developed products that will help people deal with anxiety situations.

In the shadow of the war, many students from the program found themselves combining the degree with intensive and challenging reserve service, and some chose to develop products aimed at helping with anxiety and mental stress, which we all face in recent times.

Among the products, a breathing robot - a robotic object that consists of two parts, connected with a motor that rises and falls according to a breathing pattern and sits on the desk in the office. Its purpose is to bring the person in front of him into conscious breathing, and to calm the breathing rate. Studies have shown that when someone in front of us breathes at a certain rate, it helps us breathe at the same rate and relax.

Another product is a heated carpet for conscious walking. The carpet contains heating points that also affect the feeling when walking. The combination between walking, which is a simple daily action that many perform, and the heat effect, which has an emotional element of calm and peaceful support, should create a conscious walk called in the professional language mindful walking.

All the products are part of the final projects of the students in the track, who during the degree specialize in UX/UI (user experience) studies, which include design, management and product characterization, user experience research and advanced technologies. 
