
Israeli surgeon hopes to bring movement back to amputees from Oct. 7 massacre

Since October 7, Dr. Zvika Steinberger has treated severely injured patients with upper and lower limb injuries, some amputated and some saved from amputation.


Israeli hospital can now use artificial heart device transplants

The left-ventrical-assist device (LVAD) helps pump blood from the lower left heart chamber, called the left ventricle, to the rest of the body.

Adopted man discovers wife of six years is his biological sister

The truth came to light as the man underwent compatibility tests to determine his suitability as a kidney donor for his wife.


Family of Yaniv brothers meet recipients of their donated, transplanted corneas

The meeting will take place at the Rabin Medical Center-Beilinson Campus in Petah Tikva, where the transplant transplants took place. 

Hands holding green organ transplant awareness ribbon (illustrative).

Majority of Israelis would be willing to donate organs, study finds

The Israeli public's willingness to donate organs is now at 60%. The rest are mainly held back by the religious factor.

Grapevine: Running a receipt

Movers and shakers in Israeli society.

Judaism and organ donation: Is respiratory brain death considered death?

Within the Israeli religious-Zionist community, we strongly encourage organ donation and signing an Israeli organ donation card. Many haredim, however, disagree and Diaspora rabbis are divided.


Transplants give recipients the gift of life - editorial

Though it is critical to survival, no one wants to be part of a discussion surrounding transplants - because no one wants to need them.

Dee family listen to heartbeat of Lucy Dee in transplant patient

British-Israeli terror victim Lucy Dee’s organs were transplanted before burial, saving the lives of five people.

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