
'Since October 7, Israel has realized that its fate is in the hands of the young people'

Outreach activist Bracha Shilat speaks at Jerusalem Post Conference.

'Everyone wants to be together as Jews in the wake of the awful events of October 7'

Education panel at Jerusalem Post Conference discusses the delicate balance of Jewish education.

Rabbi Moshe Kotlarsky, influential Chabad leader, dies at 74

Rabbi Moshe Kotlarsky, Chabad-Lubavitch leader, passed away at 74. He expanded Chabad's global reach, overseeing 5,000 institutions and organizing international events.

Mexico's first Jewish president: Who is Claudia Sheinbaum

Mexico City is home to a large Jewish population, numbering approximately 50,000 people. As the community is largely conservative, most did not vote for her. 

Jewish writers are getting blacklisted and worry about their publishing futures

In a literary world allegedly dedicated to free speech, what great works of literature will be lost with this censorship? What stories will not be told?


'The first premeditated social media war against a people and a nation'

WJC President Ronald S. Lauder says world’s response to Hamas attacks was planned.

Survey: Majority of Jewish New Yorkers planning on attending 2024 Israel Parade have safety concern

64 percent planning on attending are ‘very’ or ‘somewhat’ concerned; only one in five who attended in past plan on going this year.

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