israeli science

Self-morphing materials can make industrial production more eco-friendly

The exhibition presents various systems of self-morphing materials, which are at the very forefront of science, imitating material processes that occur in nature so as to grow and develop.

Leave bats alone for environmental conservation, experts advise

To prevent future pandemics, leave the bats alone – even though they are a reservoir for many viruses, conservation experts say.

Likud's Ofir Akunis plans international tech expo for Israel’s 75th

Akunis welcomed 23 ministers to Jerusalem in his previous term in the role five years ago for a science policy conference and to mark Israel’s 70th year.

Weizmann Institute solves the mystery of red blood cell production

Weizmann Institute's identification of the cells producing the hormone EPO could lead to new therapies for treating anemia.

Flying mammals live in an environment of constant noise, new study shows

Israeli-led study reveals that bats experience hearing loss in old age apparently have evolved some innate ability to minimize it.

Israeli judicial reform could spark damaging brain drain - survey

Young university faculty members have the highest likelihood of leaving Israel due to the Netanyahu government's judicial reforms.

Weizmann Institute scientists discover tool for the science of twistronics

The discovery might be essential for emerging technologies because it allows access to an unprecedented spectrum of new quantum interfaces.

Israel's first space telescope set to launch in 2026

ULTRASAT’s unprecedented field of view of 204 square degrees represents a 100-fold leap in the extra-galactic volume accessible to scientists for the discovery of transient sources.

Children, adults see time differently - study built on Israeli science

Heuristics are mental shortcuts or proxies that enable people to make quick decisions and were introduced by Israeli-American psychologists.

Israeli scientist Prof. Zvia Agur to become AAAS fellow

This honor, becoming a fellow of the world's largest general scientific society, is a reflection of Agur's years of achievements in the medical field. 

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