
Israel: South African genocide claims at ICJ are baseless

"I want to make a few points absolutely clear: Israel has no intention of permanently occupying Gaza or displacing its civilian population," Netanyahu wrote.

1000s march in pro-Israel protests outside of ICJ during Israel genocide trial

The march was organized by the Christian for Israel and Christians in Defense of Israel groups, alongside local and European Jewish organizations. 


South Africa tarnishes legacy of combatting racism with ICJ case

Post-apartheid South Africa is weaponizing the Genocide Convention against the Jewish state as it defends itself against the racist, genocidal, terrorist Hamas regime.


ICJ genocide hearing: 'You wanted hell, you'll get hell' South Africa quotes Israel

"South Africa contends that Israel has transgressed Article Two of the (Genocide) convention, committing acts that fall within the definition of genocide."

 A man holds a placard which accuses Israel of genocide in the Gaza war, at the ICJ

South Africa vs Israel: ICJ hearings to begin Thursday in The Hague

South Africa and Israel exchanged allegations on the eve of hearings at the top UN court, which will hear South Africa’s claims.


Ad campaign at bus stops highlights Gaza hostages before ICJ hearing

The campaign showcases a poignant message alongside the image of one-year-old Kfir Bibas: "Waiting for the bus home for 100 days", a stark reminder of the duration of the hostages' captivity.

The flags of Israel and South Africa

Israel, South Africa trade barbs on eve of ICJ Gaza genocide case

The ICJ will hold sessions on Thursday and Friday in a case brought in late December accusing Israel of failing to uphold its obligations under the 1948 Genocide Convention.


Major rally in the Hague to support Israel amid int'l legal dispute

The ICJ will hold hearings this week on a case brought by South Africa accusing Israel of genocide in the Gaza war and seeking an emergency suspension of its military campaign.


Israeli far-left lawmaker joins Gaza genocide lawsuit at ICJ

Several MKs have condemned his actions, including MK Sharon Nir of Yisrael Beiteinu, who suggested he resign from the Knesset.

Israel to defend itself at ICJ's genocide hearing on Gaza

The hearing was triggered by South Africa, which charged that Israel was in violation of the United Nations 1948 Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of Genocide.

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