
Hamas still holds sway in Gaza, 16 years after 'bloody coup'

"Hamas won, Palestine lost": Amid a power struggle between Hamas and Fatah, the 16th anniversary of the terrorist group's takeover passed unnoticed.

Four Arab-Israeli conflict myths shattered by one terror incident - opinion

The confrontation between Israeli soldiers and Palestinian Arab terrorists in Jenin on May 29th might seem to have been a routine incident.


Swedish MP’s participation in Hamas-tied conference sparks uproar

The Social Democrats, who led Sweden as recently as 2021, advised its representatives not to attend the conference, but El-Haj went anyway

Abbas’s Fatah unfazed by Hamas victory in university elections

Hamas, for its part, views the results of the elections as a vote of confidence in its ideology and armed “resistance” against Israel.

Hamas wins student council election at Bir Zeit University

Last week, the Hamas-affiliated Islamic Bloc won in the elections for the student council at An-Najah University in Nablus, the largest Palestinian university in the West Bank.

Fatah, Hamas spar over elections for Palestinian Journalists Syndicate

The PJS, which has more than 2500 members, is planning to hold its general conference and elections in the West Bank and Gaza Strip on May 23 and 24.

In blow to Abbas’s Fatah, Hamas wins university elections in Nablus

It was the second victory by a Hamas-affiliated group in student elections at a Palestinian West Bank university since last May.

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