
IDF destroys home of Huwara terrorist who murdered Yaniv brothers

Palestinian media reported clashes with Israeli security forces in the Askar refugee camp, where Khaled Harusha's home was located.

IDF maps home of Tel Aviv terrorist ahead of demolition

The IDF also arrested four wanted individuals in the West Bank overnight. The individuals were taken in for further questioning by security forces. 

Israel’s punitive home demolition policy: More harm than good?

Debates intensify over Israel's punitive home demolition policy, which faces scrutiny as to its legality, morality, and efficacy.


Israeli forces demolish Ramallah home of Jerusalem bomber

Israeli media, citing Palestinian reports, stated that a Palestinian photojournalist was seriously injured by IDF fire during the night's clashes. 


WATCH: IDF demolishes home of Palestinian terrorist behind Tel Aviv attack

One Israeli was killed and two others were injured in the shooting attack in March.

Berlin ‘regularly raises’ issue of Palestinian home razing with Israel

Germany along with many other countries in Europe have opposed such demolitions given that very few Palestinian building projects are authorized.

EU angered as Israel razes Palestinian school built with European funds

COGAT said in a statement that the building had been constructed illegally and 'was found to be dangerous to the safety of anyone studying or otherwise visiting there.'

953 Palestinian buildings demolished or seized by Israeli authorities in 2022 - EU

Over 80% of the demolished structures were located in Area C, which is fully under Israeli control.


Over 1,000 trees uprooted near Shilo in 3rd recent West Bank evacuation

Netanyahu ordered to halt the uprooting of the last few remaining trees at the site, after Smotrich wrote him a letter demanding the freeze.

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