David Friedman

David Friedman

50 Influential Jews: David Friedman - No. 27

The US ambassador to Israel under president Donald Trump, David Friedman was instrumental in the historic Abraham Accords and moving the US embassy to Jerusalem. He remains deeply influential today.

Route 60 biblical highway: Journey through the heart of the Holy Land

Former US ambassador to Israel David Friedman and former secretary of state Mike Pompeo highlight the biblical epoch of faith in their new feature-length film.

David Friedman

'Judicial rift parallels Tisha B'Av,' former US Amb. Friedman warns

Tisha B'Av is a day of fasting that marks the date of several tragic events in Jewish history, including the destruction of both Temples in Jerusalem.

'There's no daylight between Democrats and Republicans when it comes to combating antisemitism'

The 2023 March of the Living from Auschwitz to Birkenau would be jointly led by US Ambassador to Israel Thomas Nides and his immediate predecessor, Ambassador David Friedman.

David Friedman

Ex-US amb. to Israel David Friedman to chair Ariel University Foundation

In addition to Friedman serving as chairman, the position of vice chairman will go to Arnold Schlesinger, who supports Israel's only university particle accelerator center.

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