
Criminal gangs, profiteers thrive in Gaza as cash shortage worsens misery

Armed gangs sometimes demand a fee to provide priority access to ATMs, exploiting the absence of Palestinian police.


ICC has been hijacked, politicized, abused - opinion

I shudder at unbelievable abuse of ICC Statute and of noble aims and intentions of its founding fathers, says legal expert.


Israel: UNRWA review group org has anti-Israel bias

The CMI's researchers allegedly have strong connections with UNRWA, have worked to justify the October 7 attacks, have pro-Palestinian agendas, and have even interviewed Hamas and PIJ members.

NGO demands criminal investigation of former justice minister Shaked

Former justice minister Ayelet Shaked is accused of having agreed to Effi Naveh's political demands in exchange for appointment as the president of Tel Aviv District Court.

Anti-corruption groups file complaint against Lebanon's PM in France

The complaint seeks to investigate alleged financial misconduct and crimes committed by Lebanon's billionaire caretaker prime minister.


Moldova's Constitutional Court strikes down government ban on opposition candidates

On Tuesday, Moldova's Constitutional Court strikes down a government ban on opposition candidates. making a significant blow to the government.

 Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny attends a court hearing in Moscow, Russia August 22, 2019

'Sad day' for a democratic Russia: Former chief rabbi mourns Alexei Navalny

Goldschmidt, also President of the Conference of European Rabbis, also expressed his condolences to Navalny’s wife Yulia Navalnaya, and his children.

Pakistan ex-PM Imran Khan and wife jailed for 7 years for unlawful marriage

Imran Khan had been sentenced to 10 years for leaking state secrets and 14 years along with his wife for illegally selling state gifts.


Ari Harow, top Netanyahu aide, convicted in plea deal

Harow stressed that his time serving under Netanyahu was perceived by him as an act of Zionism. 

Former Pakistan PM Imran Khan gets 10-year jail term for leaks, party says

The jail term is the second conviction for Khan in recent months, and ensures the popular politician will remain out of the public spotlight ahead of next week's parliamentary vote.

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