Tips to elevate your Instagram engagement growth strategy

  (photo credit: INGIMAGE)
(photo credit: INGIMAGE)

Aiming for higher Instagram engagement rates is a key element of your social media strategy. It can help you achieve marketing goals and increase brand awareness.

The best way to do this is to create valuable content that your followers will want to save or share. It’s also important to keep track of your top-performing posts.

Automatic Likes

Using automatic likes on Instagram is an easy way to get more engagement on your Instagram posts. However, you should use this tool sparingly and with other organic strategies. This will ensure that your followers see fundamental interactions and not fake ones. You should also set up a monthly schedule for the tool so you don’t overdo it.

One of the best ways to boost your Instagram post engagement is by posting content highlighting the value of your products and services. For example, a fitness business could share before-and-after photos of clients who have benefited from their services. You can also use Instagram carousel ads to showcase your product features in a fun and engaging way.

To increase your chances of being featured on the Explore page, ensure you have a high level of engagement. To measure engagement, look at the number of likes, comments, and saves a post received.

Auto Commenting

Auto-commenting on Instagram is a great way to encourage engagement. It shows your followers that you care about what they have to say and can also help you respond to any questions or comments they may have.

Many Instagram users are looking for instant answers, and even a short and simple response can be comforting. Responding to comments will also give your business a more professional image and show that you’re dedicated to improving your customer service.

When creating your automatic responses, consider your tone of voice and the relationship you want to build with your followers. Try to avoid spammy or inappropriate content, and ensure that your automated replies fit the post's context. For example, suppose you’re running a campaign that requires people to DM your account with the word ‘eBook’ to receive a free eBook download. In that case, you can use an Instagram bot such as ManyChat to trigger a flow when someone types this keyword into your Instagram comment.


Although it is possible to purchase Instagram likes on a one-time basis, it can be expensive and inconvenient. In addition, if your photos have many likes while others have few, this can look inconsistent and hurt your credibility. Buying automatic likes is a much better option because you can choose the number of likes you want and have them delivered over time.

Purchasing Instagram auto likes helps boost engagement on your profile, improving the likelihood that other users will see your posts or videos. This is important because social proof is crucial to climbing up the algorithm. You can also choose a delivery speed that matches your preferences.

The best automatic likes sites will have a variety of packages that are suitable for most people. You can even bundle likes with followers to save money. In addition, they will have customer support representatives that can help you with any issues you may have.

Auto Posting

The best way to boost your Instagram engagement is to create content that engages with your community. The tips above will help you improve your overall engagement rate, but it is crucial to focus on establishing your brand as a community leader for your followers.

When you post engaging content, your audience will want to share it with their communities. The best way to do this is through Instagram Stories. Create engaging content, such as a video, carousel or poll, and ask your followers to tag their friends and family.

The Instagram algorithm rewards posts that receive engagement immediately. This is why it is important to publish content at the right time. Tools like Sprout’s Social Media Publisher can help you find the best times to post. It is also important to remember that Instagram still requires authentic, real-time interaction from your brand. This is particularly important during holidays and somber events when your followers’ attention may be elsewhere.

Auto Sharing

While user-generated content (UGC) isn’t a new marketing strategy, Instagram stories with UGC are becoming increasingly popular. This type of content gives your brand a voice, increases engagement, and builds trust.

Adding hashtags to your Instagram posts is another way to increase engagement and get in front of more people. Using the best hashtags will help you attract users from your target audience, so research and save a list of hashtags that will work for your business.

When it comes to posting on Instagram, timing is everything. The best time to post on Instagram varies depending on your audience and content, but one thing is certain: posting when your audience is asleep will not yield the best results.

When choosing an Instagram growth service, steer clear of those that use inauthentic methods like auto-commenting and DMs. These tactics come off as very spammy and put your account at risk of getting blocked or banned by Instagram.

This article was written in cooperation with outreachxpert
