Test your IQ: Move one matchstick to solve the equation

This challenge, which requires high levels of critical thinking, requires solving a puzzle by moving just one matchstick.

 Move only one matchstick to solve this puzzle (photo credit: Adobe stock)
Move only one matchstick to solve this puzzle
(photo credit: Adobe stock)

This puzzle shows an incorrect math equation. You must fix it by moving only one matchstick. Will you be able to solve it?

The equation 9+2=5+1 consists of 24 matchsticks in total. You must move one of them and place it elsewhere to change one of the numbers and reach the correct exercise. The answer is in the following text.

Did you succeed?

If not, here's the answer.

All you have to do is take the upper right matchstick in the number 9 (which will turn it into 5) and place it vertically in the lower left part of the number 5, creating the number 6.

After that, you will get the correct equation: 5+2=6+1.

 Move the following matchstick to reach the solution (credit: AdobeStock)
Move the following matchstick to reach the solution (credit: AdobeStock)
The answer is before you (credit: AdobeStock)
The answer is before you (credit: AdobeStock)
