1 of 40: Solve the following exercise by moving only one match

A recent TikTok challenge has gone viral, requiring participants to solve an exercise by moving only one match, enhancing their thinking skills.

 Move just one match to solve this exercise (photo credit: AdobeStock)
Move just one match to solve this exercise
(photo credit: AdobeStock)

The puzzle below is intended for people with a particularly high level of concentration.

The picture shows an incorrect equation. Correct the mistake by moving only one match. Will you be able to solve it?

10+11+12+13=14 consists of 40 matches. Drag one of them to change one of the digits and get to the right equation. Think outside the box and you will reach the right answer. The solution is at the bottom of the article.

Did you succeed? Even if not, no big deal. It was difficult this time.

The answer is below.

All you have to do is break up the plus sign (+) between the numbers 12 and 13 - which will turn it into a minus (-). Next, place the remaining match vertically on the top left of the number 3 (13), making it a 9 (19).

The correct equation is 10+11+12-19=14.

 Perform the next step to reach the solution (credit: AdobeStock)
Perform the next step to reach the solution (credit: AdobeStock)

The answer is before you.  (credit: AdobeStock)
The answer is before you. (credit: AdobeStock)
