Woman with no indoor heating shares tip for staying warm

After experiencing frequent power outages, one woman had to find a way to cope with winter's effects. In the process, she discovered a free method to heat her home successfully for several years.

 Heater, illustration (photo credit: INGIMAGE)
Heater, illustration
(photo credit: INGIMAGE)

During the winter, electricity usage spikes out of a need to stay warm, resulting in higher bills. However, before you reach for the thermostat to turn up the heat, listen to this: A woman named Klaire de Lys has shared a money-saving tip she has been using for four years to stay warm without indoor heating.

Klaire, who shares various money-saving tips on her TikTok account, has explained the secret to her a simple and effective method to stay warm during cold days: Cardboard. Yes, cardboard.

When the temperatures dropped and Klaire's house experienced frequent power outages, she had to think outside of the box. "The minute it went cold and the minute we started getting into minuses, suddenly we just started having power cuts, and it's been every two or three days so far,” she explained.

How to stay warm without any heat?

So, how does she keep her home warm without relying on heating systems? “There was one tip I forgot to share last year in my whole ‘How to Stay Warm’ series,” Klaire said. “Save all of your big cardboard.” She explained that by placing cut pieces of cardboard on the floor, it acts as insulation, sealing in the heat and preventing it from escaping through the cold floor.

As a bonus, Klaire suggested utilizing the cardboard as a free play surface for kids. She recommended allowing them to draw on the cardboard, keeping them engaged and entertained while you’re stuck at home. “It’s a great way to stay just a little bit warmer and use a resource that otherwise would just get thrown away,” she said.

Her tip quickly went viral on social media, with may commenters praising her ingenuity. “That’s actually brilliant! I'm pretty good at winterizating the house, but that one had never occurred to me. Thanks for sharing!” commented one user.
