5 signs your date went well and could lead to more

First dates can be challenging, but there are signs that indicate it went well. These signs may not be scientific, but they can give you an idea of whether there's potential for a second date

 What's a good sign that your first date went well? (photo credit: SHUTTERSTOCK)
What's a good sign that your first date went well?
(photo credit: SHUTTERSTOCK)

Sometimes, at the end of a successful first date, you feel a sense of excitement, butterflies in your stomach, or even a calm confidence. It's the feeling that there's something special here, a direction to explore, and the possibility of an interesting relationship. But then, he ghosts you. 

Sure, some may say that in this feminist era, it's perfectly fine to message them and ask for a second date yourself. But many women still hope that the man takes the initiative, plans a second date, and possibly invites them to a fantastic restaurant or even Netflix and Chill at his place. 

So, if you just had a great date and you're hoping for him to serenade you under your window, let's see if any of these five signs have appeared. Because if they have, and preferably more than one, your chances of a second date just got a lot higher.

1. A kiss:

It could be a kiss in a taxi or him walking you home. The key is that he makes a genuine gesture to bring his face close to yours in an invested manner. It's not a sloppy, drunken kiss at a bar or a half-hearted lean without any passion. It's a meaningful kiss. Maybe he gets out of the car, walks you to your door, or does something else to show genuine interest. But remember, even a casual kiss doesn't guarantee a second date.

2. Expressed interest:

Yes, some men make empty promises, so let's be realistic. If he mentioned his love for snow sports, and you instantly lied about being a snowboarding expert to seem cool, and then he said, "Let's travel together in the winter," don't start shopping for a ski suit just yet. But if he mentions a specific upcoming event at a reasonable location or expresses his availability on a particular day, then you can start making plans for that second date.

 A couple on a date. (credit: PIXABAY)
A couple on a date. (credit: PIXABAY)

3. Going to multiple places on the first date:

Did your date start in a bar and then progress into a trip to the beach? And from there, maybe you both craved some late-night ice cream or a juicy hamburger? (Don't worry; you can hit the gym tomorrow.) This means that he had fun with you, enjoyed your company in different settings, and likely felt comfortable. Plus, if your date included transitions between places like a restaurant, bar, club, falafel joint, and eventually to the bedroom (not necessarily in that order), then there's a good chance you'll receive a text in the next few days.

4. Mindful Intimacy:

Let's talk about sex. Hundreds of thousands of single women can tell you that even mind-blowing sex doesn't guarantee a text the next day, let alone several days after. When it comes to sex, there are no set rules, and you shouldn't consider it a sign of date quality. Sometimes, it's just a result of mutual desire or perhaps too much alcohol. However, if he asked you to stay the night, didn't make any "I need to get up early" excuses, and then went out of his way to buy you oat milk in the morning, there's a chance this won't be a one-time thing.

5. The text:

The holy grail of a successful date is when you receive a text from him within an hour of it ending. Whether he simply writes, "I had fun," or checks in to make sure you got home safely, if he sends you a text before going to sleep, it's a clear hint that he wants to see you again.

Remember, these signs are not foolproof, but they can give you a sense of whether a second date is on the horizon. Trust your intuition and enjoy the journey.
