Christian students march in solidarity with Israel

"The Israel-Hamas war has given us as Christians tremendous moral clarity," said Robert Nicholson, president of the Philos Project and co-founder of Passages.

 Christian students march for Israel in Washington, D.C. on January 7, 2024. (photo credit: PASSAGES)
Christian students march for Israel in Washington, D.C. on January 7, 2024.
(photo credit: PASSAGES)

Around 300 Christian students marched toward the US Capitol on January 7 in a show of solidarity with the State of Israel and to pray for the safe return of Israeli hostages from the hands of Hamas.

"The Israel-Hamas war has given us as Christians tremendous moral clarity," said Robert Nicholson, president of the Philos Project and co-founder of Passages. "I've never been more convinced of the righteous necessity of standing with Israel and the Jewish people than I am right now.

"And I hope the broader Christian community in the United States sees it this way, too."

Passages organized the Christian march following a conference on Israel engagement, during which students gathered in Washington to learn how to be better advocates for their faith and for Israel and the Jewish community. 

The program included education about the Jewish heritage of the Christian Bible, a tour of the Holocaust museum, and a discussion about modern Israel from tour guides who were flown into the US for the event. 

Christians supporting Israel and the Jewish community

 Israeli Americans and supporters of Israel gather in solidarity with Israel and protest against antisemitism, amid the ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas, during a rally on the National Mall in Washington, U.S, November 14, 2023. (credit: REUTERS/LEAH MILLIS)
Israeli Americans and supporters of Israel gather in solidarity with Israel and protest against antisemitism, amid the ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas, during a rally on the National Mall in Washington, U.S, November 14, 2023. (credit: REUTERS/LEAH MILLIS)

Passages send hundreds of students to Israel each year for "Birthright-style" trips to learn about their heritage and the importance of a connection to Israel.

However, many could not travel to Israel this winter because of the security situation. So, Passages decided to bring Israel to them.

"The definition of what's right came from God through the Jewish people," conference emcee Mattanah DeWitt said.

"God promised Abraham in Genesis 12 to bless all the world's nations through his family. And God promises us today that those who bless the descendants of Abraham will also be blessed."

"If we are to stand for what's right, we must start here."

Mattanah DeWitt

Jewish Israeli Rivka Kidron is also a co-founder of Passages. She spoke on a panel about her experience helping Israeli families in the aftermath of the October 7 massacre, including those whose loved ones were kidnapped by Hamas. She also encouraged the Christian students to do what they could to help.

She explained that every small act of support will build toward a tidal wave of hope for those suffering in Israel. 

"In times past, during moments of crisis, Jews felt they had nowhere to turn, especially during the Holocaust," Kidron said. "Thankfully, today, we have strong and devoted partners in the Christian world who stand by our side in solidarity and understanding. 

"Passages is dedicated to creating that understanding and solidarity through faith and commitment, both to the shared roots of our religions and the State of Israel as a beacon of light and freedom in a sea of instability," she said. 
