October 7 was 'greatest success' of the Islamic world - Iranian IRGC official

Sardar Abolfazl Shekarchi accused the United States of oppressing the Middle East and of murdering hundreds of millions of people.

 Iranian Brig.-Gen. Abolfazl Shekarchi. (photo credit: Wikimedia Commons)
Iranian Brig.-Gen. Abolfazl Shekarchi.
(photo credit: Wikimedia Commons)

The October 7 invasion and massacre of Israelis by Hamas is "the greatest success of the Islamic world," Sardar Abolfazl Shekarchi, Iran’s deputy for culture and defense propaganda of the General Staff of the IRGC, said in celebration of the massacre, as per the Iranian state-owned Tasnim news agency.

The October 7 attack took the lives of 1,400 Israelis, including children and civilians.

Shekarchi’s statement read: “The greatest success of the Islamic world after the Al-Aqsa storm operation is the consensus of the nations of the world against the oppressive and bloodthirsty Zionist regime.”  Hamas refers to the October 7 attack at the “Al-Aqsa storm.”

"Standing up against global arrogance is one of the greatest achievements of the Islamic Revolution, which has been gifted to the oppressed...of the world," he continued.

"After the heroic, successful, victorious and pride-breaking operation against Israel, most of the NATO member countries support Israel and their oppression of the oppressed people of Gaza has become more and more visible."

 Scenes of houses destroyed when Hamas terrorists infiltrated Kibbutz Be'eri, and 30 other nearby communities in Southern Israel on October 7, killing more than 1400 people, and taking more than 200 hostages into Gaza, near the Israeli-Gaza border. (credit: EDI ISRAEL/FLASH90)
Scenes of houses destroyed when Hamas terrorists infiltrated Kibbutz Be'eri, and 30 other nearby communities in Southern Israel on October 7, killing more than 1400 people, and taking more than 200 hostages into Gaza, near the Israeli-Gaza border. (credit: EDI ISRAEL/FLASH90)

He claimed that the aforementioned parties could not tolerate a small "resistance of a small group called Hamas" and that Hamas was "the frontline and sacrific[ing] the lives of the Palestinian people." He claimed that Hamas sought and "to claim their rights and liberate their occupied lands."

"The campaign of world powers in the Mediterranean Sea and the siege of Gaza is the result of their kneeling before the Hamas group," he claimed.

Addressing Israel's military response in Gaza, whereby Hamas has claimed a large number of civilian casualties, Shekarchi told the source "They are afraid of fighting face-to-face with Hamas, and humiliatingly and defeated, women and children are the targets of their bombings. But these crimes and bloodshed will not last and victory belongs to Palestine and the resistance groups."

Accusations against the United States

Continuing his statement to the press, Shekarchi went on to say “that 247 years have passed since the wretched life of the criminal America, and during this time, 227 wars have been fought either directly or indirectly. Initiated or supported by America.” He added, “during these wars, millions of people on this earth were dragged to earth and blood.”

He later claimed that Palestine, Iran, Iraq, Yemen and Afghanistan had all been oppressed by the United States. Drawing on the colonial history of the United States, Shekarchi said that the Europeans who founded America had killed 100 million Native Americans.

"Blacks and Indians [Native Americans] are still being crushed under the boots of the Americans in their own country, and some criminals are under the name of international Zionism. America, England, France and Germany rule and their front line is evil Israel," he continued.

Addressing the US role in Gaza, Shekarchi said that it was to restore the spirit of the "half-dead Israeli army."

"The resistant nation of Iran learned from martyrs like Haj Qassem Soleimani that one should only fight with authority against oppression... And he squeezed the neck of the arrogant until they were suffocated and came down from the seat of power," he said.

Soleimani was a General in the IRGC's Quds Force. He was killed in 2020 by a US airstrike on a Baghdad airport.
