
The latest on legal issues, criminal investigations, Supreme Court rulings, trial coverage, new laws, legislation and more across Israel.

Adolescentes en libertad tras intento de secuestro de judío ortodoxo en Londres

Los cinco adolescentes, todos ellos de edades comprendidas entre los 15 y los 18 años, han quedado en libertad bajo fianza.

New decree: Approval of electric car license fee in thousands of shekels

Electric car discounts were canceled by committee chairman Moshe Gafni, effective from January 2025. Tesla Israel CEO anticipates Model 3 prices to rise to NIS 300,000 due to future tax increases.


Hebrew U., law prof. forum call for release of Prof. Shalhoub-Kevorkian, citing free speech

The law forum also called for her release saying that the arrest and investigation of Shalhoub-Kevorkian "seriously harms free speech and academic freedom."


White House ‘concerned’ after Netanyahu pledges to use new law to shutter Al Jazeera in Israel

The White House expresses concern over Israel's plan to shut down Al Jazeera's offices under a new law, citing potential threats to press freedom. Netanyahu defends the move as a wartime necessity.


New bill will make sailing a boat, using a jet ski while drunk illegal

Prompted by recent accidents involving inebriated persons, new law allows police to request samples from watercraft operators. Five years jail time is the penalty for sailing while intoxicated


Knesset permite demandar a financiadores de terrorismo

Los montos recibidos en dichas demandas no serán deducidos del monto pagado a las víctimas del terrorismo en nombre del estado.

Políticos con toga: Giro pone en riesgo confianza en Tribunal Supremo

La polarización del Tribunal Supremo de EE.UU. tras la sentencia del caso Dobbs suscita preocupación y erosiona la confianza en su neutralidad e independencia.

New bill proposed: Abolish 10-year disclosure exemption for immigrants

Your taxes: Will the ten-year exemption for Olim be in danger next? Apparently not, according to the commentary.


Coalition MKs move to withdraw October 7 terrorists' right to public defender

Defendants detained for taking part in the October 7th massacre or for being an unlawful combatant won't have the right to a public defender.

En 2023, bajaron los asesinatos extremistas en EE. UU. (ADL)

En 2023, 17 asesinatos extremistas en EE. UU., menos que en 2022 y 2021 (27 y 35 respectivamente).

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