Israeli TikTok star robbed at gunpoint by thieves dressed as deliverymen

Thieves disguised as Wolt delivery staff broke into the Holyland apartment of TikTok influencer, bitcoin dealer, and real estate developer Yoni Cohen and stole his luxury car.

 WOLT DELIVERY: Central supermarket to come. (photo credit: YONATAN SINDEL/FLASH90)
WOLT DELIVERY: Central supermarket to come.
(photo credit: YONATAN SINDEL/FLASH90)

During the coronavirus pandemic, home food delivery skyrocketed. Even after, many people continued to order in. But for some, it’s not always such a good idea, as in the case of TikTok influencer Yoni Cohen. 

This week, thieves disguised as Wolt delivery staff broke into the Holyland apartment of the bitcoin dealer and real estate developer, holding him at gunpoint and handcuffing him. He insisted that there was no cash on the premises, but they overturned the apartment for two hours in a fruitless search before finally giving up.

Not wanting to leave empty-handed, they took the keys to Cohen’s luxury car, Yediot Aharonot reported.

Thieves try to run over police officer in stolen car, get shot

As they were making their getaway, a police officer attempted to stop them. After the getaway driver tried to run over the officer, wounding him lightly, the latter drew his gun and fired.

The upshot was that the driver was critically wounded and the car was damaged. 

Israel police car (Illustrative) (credit: MARC ISRAEL SELLEM/THE JERUSALEM POST)
Israel police car (Illustrative) (credit: MARC ISRAEL SELLEM/THE JERUSALEM POST)

Most luxury apartment complexes have a concierge, and deliveries can be left in the lobby for residents to collect. Cohen’s experience should be a cautionary tale not to allow delivery staff beyond the lobby. 
