Chances of coup in Likud slim at the moment, but Netanyahu knows the alternative is worse - poll

70% of Likud members support the current prime minister. However, if Netanyahu tries to rush the elections - he may lose the leadership of the party.

 Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu seen with Israeli forces in the Gaza Strip on Sunday, November 25, 2023 (photo credit: GPO/AVI OHAYON)
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu seen with Israeli forces in the Gaza Strip on Sunday, November 25, 2023
(photo credit: GPO/AVI OHAYON)

An internal survey conducted in the past few days among Likud members brings good news and bad news for Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

This is largely because the picture it paints shows the chance of a coup in the party is slim because 70% of poll participants support Netanyahu as party leader.

However, the support that the current prime minister enjoys among the members comes with a condition: if the prime minister tries to bring the elections forward, the picture may change - and he will lose his supporters.

What about outside the party?

A Maariv poll that was conducted nearly a week after the October 7 atrocities by Hamas saw the Likud Party trailing Benny Gantz's National Unity Party by 22 seats. The opposition parties would gain a huge lead over the current governing parties, with 78 seats against the coalition's 42.

Two months before the Hamas massacre, a different poll, also conducted by Maariv, had arrived at the same conclusion that Gantz's party would take the lead in the next elections, which would take place in 2026.

 Yossi Cohen and Benjamin Netanyahu (credit: MIRIAM ASTER/FLASH90)
Yossi Cohen and Benjamin Netanyahu (credit: MIRIAM ASTER/FLASH90)

The August poll did have Netanyahu's party with more seats than October's poll - with estimates reaching at 27. Nevertheless, the poll also stated that opposition parties would have a lead over the coalition parties.

Troy O. Fritzhand contributed to this report.
