PM’s son Yair Netanyahu, advisors planned smear campaigns on WhatsApp - report

Controversial journalist Nir Hefetz referred to a WhatsApp group including Jonatan Urich and Yair Netanyahu during an interview on Channel 12.

 Yair Netanyahu (photo credit: AVSHALOM SASSONI)
Yair Netanyahu
(photo credit: AVSHALOM SASSONI)

A WhatsApp group including Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s son Yair and Netanyahu’s media advisors Jonatan Urich and Topaz Luk not only managed the Israeli leader’s Twitter account but orchestrated media campaigns against political adversaries, a report on Channel 12 suggested.

"The group was initiated by Yair,” controversial journalist Nir Hefetz said during an interview on Channel 12. “Within this group, they managed not only Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's official Twitter account but also handled underground communication channels, engaging in activities reminiscent of Sodom and Gomorrah."

"These clandestine channels targeted and attacked prominent figures, including the President of the State and the Attorney General," Hefetz said. "Ultimately, the prime minister had the final say."

Who is responsible for the state of the media in Israel

Guy Peleg, a commentator for News 12, criticized Hefetz on Twitter.

"Nir Hefetz is a mastermind!" Peleg wrote. "He played a significant role in orchestrating the so-called 'Poison Machine' in Israel, making him a controversial figure. This individual, who arguably had a more detrimental impact on the press in Israel than anyone else, now offers his views on the issue of smear campaigns. It's truly astounding."
