Tel Aviv University’s Entrepreneurship Center celebrates major donation from Dr. Ori Allon

Donation will foster student innovation and entrepreneurship.

 Left to right: Eti Finkelstein, Dr. Ori Allon, Yair Sakov, Ilit Oppenheim. (photo credit: TEL AVIV UNIVERSITY)
Left to right: Eti Finkelstein, Dr. Ori Allon, Yair Sakov, Ilit Oppenheim.
(photo credit: TEL AVIV UNIVERSITY)

The Entrepreneurship Center at Tel Aviv University has reported that a generous donation from Dr. Ori Allon in 2022 has significantly advanced the Center’s mission to foster innovation and entrepreneurship among students, making a lasting impact on the entrepreneurial landscape in Israel.

Dr. Ori Allon, an entrepreneur and philanthropist, made a substantial donation through Allon Ventures in 2022. This funding has been pivotal in supporting three core pillars of the Entrepreneurship Center’s activities: Core Academic Courses, Yazamiyot on Campus, and the annual Hackathon Competition. 

“I am honored to support the Entrepreneurship Center at Tel Aviv University,” said Dr. Allon. “Empowering students with the skills and resources they need to innovate and lead is essential for the future of Israel’s economy and society. I am thrilled to see the incredible progress and achievements made possible by this initiative.”

The donation has enabled significant growth in the Center’s academic courses, reflecting students’ increasing interest in entrepreneurship. It has enabled the enhancement and expansion of the curriculum, providing students with essential skills and knowledge. Enrollment numbers have increased substantially from the 2022-2023 academic year to the 2023-2024 academic year.

In addition, the Yazamiyot on Campus program, designed to empower female students pursuing advanced degrees, has made significant strides thanks to Dr. Allon’s support. The program, now in its fifth cohort (the first four generated three funded startups), connects students with the entrepreneurial ecosystem, helping them transition from academic research to market application and develop a robust business network. 

Finally, the annual Hackathon Competition has grown in scale and impact through Dr. Allon’s support, tackling pressing societal issues through innovative solutions. In 2023, the competition focused on pedestrian safety in shared spaces, while the 2024 event addressed post-war recovery in Israel. The hackathons have engaged hundreds of participants and showcased numerous innovative ideas, culminating in Idea Fairs that present these solutions to the public.

“The support from Dr. Ori Allon has made a significant impact at the Center,” said Yair Sakov, Managing Director of the Entrepreneurship Center at Tel Aviv University. “His generous donation has enabled us to expand our programs and reach more students than ever before. We are deeply grateful for his commitment to fostering entrepreneurship and innovation in Israel.”
