In honor of International Women's Day: Empowering Ethiopian Women in Haifa

 "Empowering Ethiopian Women" Association (photo credit: Courtesy of the Haifa-Boston partnership)
"Empowering Ethiopian Women" Association
(photo credit: Courtesy of the Haifa-Boston partnership)

In honor of International Women's Day, this week in Haifa, a massive unveiling event took place at Beat Club hosted by the "Empowering Ethiopian Women" Association, in collaboration with the "Ambassadors" program of Haifa-Boston Connection.

This event marked the launch of the Maatizimot (Empowering) group's activities in Haifa, led by the women of the Shagrirot (Ambassadors) program. The goal is to connect between national and local communities and create opportunities and connections for Israeli women of Ethiopian descent. Over 100 Ethiopian women from across the country attended the event.

The Shagrirot program of the Haifa-Boston Connection (CJP) is a group of women born out of a program developed by the HBC. The program is unique and innovative for Ethiopian-Israeli women in Haifa and surrounding areas who want to lead social change among the Ethiopian community in Haifa and beyond. The Ambassadors work to understand the needs of the community, provide services, conduct workshops and meaningful events, connect organizations and youth groups, and more, all through volunteering and belief that social change comes from collective social action. Women from different fields, ages, and neighborhoods in Haifa have come together to promote the Ethiopian community in Haifa.

The Shagrirot work in three areas: community entrepreneurship, modeling for the younger generation, and networking groups for personal development.

As part of the program, Shagrirot  have collaborated with the Haifa Municipality and other organizations in the city, participating in events that brought the story of the Ethiopian community in Haifa to the forefront, including: the Haifa Story Festival, Walkom, Embroidered Memory Evening, and more. Additionally, they've held meetings with youth groups at youth centers and schools, arranged a solidarity activity, serving traditional Ethiopian dishes at the Hostages Square in Tel Aviv, organized a support group for older women from the Ethiopian community, and even created empowerment inspiration cards.

 ''Empowering Ethiopian Women'' Association (credit: Courtesy of the Haifa-Boston partnership)
''Empowering Ethiopian Women'' Association (credit: Courtesy of the Haifa-Boston partnership)

Nani Brook, a member of the Shagrirot and a well-known social activist in Haifa, said: "In Haifa, the Ethiopian community is divided into 3 main neighborhoods. Our goal as Shagrirot is to connect and bridge between the neighborhoods so that we act together in a shared space, not just in our own neighborhood. Hence the clear connection to the Empowering Women group - we are delighted that they came up north to participate in a significant and empowering event."

Rina Blizhenski, a member of the Shagrirot, a lawyer by profession, and a legal advocate, said excitedly in her speech: "From our perspective, looking at the hall full of women of different ages and occupations fills our hearts with pride. We see each and every one here as a successful woman, a brave and wise woman, belonging to the Ethiopian community, a community with deep historical roots and great power. Our goal and aspiration are that each and every one here will dare to dream and fulfill herself at every age and stage in life."

Hilla Pearlman-Pniel, Director of the Haifa-Boston Connection (CJP) emphasized the importance of this conference in building connections and empowering women in Israeli society. “This event, the first of its kind in our area, brings together a wide range of voices. The Haifa-Boston Connection is proud to be a part of this initiative, supporting women who drive change and opportunity, particularly within the Ethiopian community. Our efforts include various programs such as youth military preparation, academic counseling, scholarships, vocational training, and leadership development.”

"It is a great privilege for me to learn from the Shagrirot and to draw inspiration and strength from them to face any challenge. I wish for each and every one of us to find her Ambassador group, to feel connected and protected but also challenged at the same time, drawing strength and inspiration from one another", added Pearlman.

Raheli Tedesa Malkai, founder and CEO of the Empowering Ethiopian Women Association, said: "The Empowering Ethiopian Women Association aims to promote Israeli women of Ethiopian descent in the hi-tech, education, economy, higher education, and career development fields. We have a powerful and influential community with deep-rooted cultural and historical traditions, and we Ethiopian women are committed to bringing this to the forefront in every city. We have a very influential and strong community that serves as an anchor for the present and future generations, and we never forget where we came from and where we are going."

About the Haifa-Boston Connection:

The Haifa-Boston Connection, established in 1989 and operating for 35 years, serves as the Israeli branch of the Combined Jewish Philanthropies of Boston (CJP). As a philanthropic organization, they are dedicated to enhancing the well-being of communities in Haifa and Boston. Their mission is grounded in the belief that fostering relationships between Israel and the diaspora, both at the community and individual levels, is integral to the future of the Jewish people. Through various projects, they aim to strengthen community ties and promote Jewish values of justice and tolerance, bridging the diverse components of both communities while fostering mutual understanding and cooperation.

For more information: Orit Shacham-Valach, PR, 054-4600054
