Parents of kidnapped IDF soldier claim daughter was killed by Shifa Hospital doctor

The parents claimed that a doctor at al-Shifa Hospital killed Noa Marciano, rather than treat her for wounds sustained during an IAF bombing.

IDF soldier Noa Marciano who was killed while being held hostage by Hamas in Gaza. (photo credit: IDF SPOKESPERSON'S UNIT)
IDF soldier Noa Marciano who was killed while being held hostage by Hamas in Gaza.

The parents of kidnapped, now murdered, IDF Cpl. Noa Marciano revealed on Wednesday that their daughter had been murdered by a doctor from Gaza’s al-Shifa Hospital, according to the Jewish Chronicle.

"They chose to murder her instead of taking care of her. It was a doctor who did it, in a hospital. She was injured by air force bombings and was taken to Shifa," said her parents.

The 19-year-old, from Modiin, had been abducted by Hamas terrorists on October 7 from a base in Nachal Oz. 

Marciano was a lookout on the base, where dozens of soldiers were killed.

Marciano’s body was recovered in November, after she was found in a building across from Shifa Hospital.

IDF soldier Noa Marciano who was killed while being held hostage by Hamas in Gaza. (credit: IDF SPOKESPERSON'S UNIT)
IDF soldier Noa Marciano who was killed while being held hostage by Hamas in Gaza. (credit: IDF SPOKESPERSON'S UNIT)

Hamas's narrative on Marciano's killing

While Hamas blamed her death on an Israeli airstrike, however the IDF released “experts suggest that her injuries do not align with those typically sustained in airstrikes.

“The observed wounds appear more consistent with bullet injuries, and there is also an indication that she may have suffered from injuries related to a fall from a height.”
