FM Katz calls on global female leaders to come out against findings of UN sexual violence report

The post stated, “Following the publication of the UN report on sexual violence committed by the Hamas terror organization, it is critical to hear your voice as international women leaders.

 Israel Katz (photo credit: MARC ISRAEL SELLEM)
Israel Katz
(photo credit: MARC ISRAEL SELLEM)

Israeli Foreign Ministry Israel Katz published a post on X on Wednesday, calling on female leaders worldwide to voice their disapprobation following the findings of the UN report on sexual violence committed by Hamas terrorists. 

The post appealed to “Distinguished women leaders,” stating that “following the publication of the UN report on sexual violence committed by the Hamas terror organization, it is critical to hear your voice as international women leaders in order to put an end to the atrocities that Israeli women are going through in the captivity of the Hamas."

 UN envoy for sexual crimes in war Pramila Patten met with IDF officers and surviving hostages, January 2024 (credit: FOREIGN MINISTRY)
UN envoy for sexual crimes in war Pramila Patten met with IDF officers and surviving hostages, January 2024 (credit: FOREIGN MINISTRY)

Patten's report finds evidence of Hamas sexual violence

The post tagged some 33 female leaders, including US Vice President Kamala Harris, Italian Prime Minister Georgia Meloni, Former French Foreign Minister Catherine Colonna, Michelle Obama, and Hillary Clinton. 

The report was published earlier this week by Pramila Patten, UN Special Representative of the Secretary-General on Sexual Violence in Conflict, following her visit to Israel in the two first weeks of February, in which she met with eyewitnesses of the October 7 massacre, women who returned from Gaza captivity, family members of soldiers still in Gaza, and workers at the Shura camp who identified the bodies of those raped and murdered by Hamas terrorists.

The report found evidence of Hamas crimes, including sexually torturing and raping Israeli women.
