Israel uncovers, destroys Hamas tunnels under Gaza hotel

The combat team of the 14th brigade, operating under the 162nd Division, uncovered seven shafts leading to Hamas tunnels.

IDF troops of the 14th Brigade operate in northern Gaza. January 5, 2024. (Credit: IDF)

The IDF has discovered and consequently destroyed tunnels run by the terrorist group Hamas which were hidden beneath the Blue Beach Hotel in the northern Gaza Strip.

The combat team of the 14th brigade, operating under the 162nd Division in coordination with the Yahalom combat unit, uncovered seven shafts leading to Hamas tunnels, within which were boarding rooms for Hamas terrorists and a variety of weapons and surveillance devices, under the Gazan hotel, located close to the beach in the north of the coastal enclave.

The Yahalom soldiers conducted an in-depth investigation of the shafts, and this week, they destroyed the entire infrastructure.

Documentation of the tunnels discovered by the IDF's 14th Brigade under the Blue Beach Hotel in the northern Gaza Strip. January 4, 2024. (Credit: IDF)

Terrorists using the hotel as shelter

The Hamas terrorists used the hotel as a shelter from which they managed tactics and planned attacks from both above- and below-ground.

An aerial photograph of the Blue Beach Hotel complex and the location of the shafts in the area. January 5, 2024.  (credit: IDF)
An aerial photograph of the Blue Beach Hotel complex and the location of the shafts in the area. January 5, 2024. (credit: IDF)

During the operation, dozens of Hamas terrorists barricaded themselves inside the hotel, firing anti-tank missiles from within it at the IDF units, who in turn returned fire. The IDF also encountered terrorists in the area of the hotel and eliminated some of them. 

There were hotel rooms inside that appeared to have been used for long-term boarding and fighting for Hamas terrorists.

Reservists of the 14th Brigade have been in the northern Gaza Strip, namely Jabaliya, Beit Hanun and Gaza City, for several months, destroying munitions stockpiles, missile launchers aimed at Israel, and Hamas underground headquarters.
